École Nationale Supérieure de Mécanique et d’Aérotechnique

Poitiers Futuroscope


Ensemble vers l’Excellence

Social Commitments




For several years now, ISAE-ENSMA has been undertaking sustainable development and corporate social responsibility (SD&CSR) approach responsibilities to develop the training of engineering students and the research activities carried out in the laboratories.

The school and the student associations are mobilizing to take societal issues a step further, and demonstrate their commitment to take up the 21st century challenges and to respond to the major society issues.

Training young generations with a passion for science in the service of human progress, and to help meet the challenges of the environmental transition to build the world of tomorrow, these are the goals of ISAE-ENSMA.

As a public, responsible and educational institution, ISAE-ENSMA has integrated social and environmental concerns into its dual mission of training and research.

The school is getting involved in a civic-minded approach:

  • by initiating actions to raise awareness of energy and climate issues among its staff and students: GHG assessment, green plan, control of fluid consumption, major events (symposia, conferences, Climate Fresk workshop, Climate Emergency week, etc.), new courses introduced into the curriculum, etc.;
  • by pursuing an active policy on disability, with the aim of improving its skills in implementing the facilities needed to welcome and support students in their studies;
  • by implementing a policy of gender equality for both staff and students. ISAE-ENSMA also benefits from the support of the “Elles bougent” association, as a partner since its creation;
  • by taking steps to prevent psychosocial risks. The school has strengthened its actions in favor of Quality of Life in the Workplace, drawing on external support (agence nationale pour l’amélioration des conditions de travail – ANACT) and developing an approach to the prevention of psychosocial risks. A risk management unit has been set up to prevent and deal with sensitive or deteriorating situations.

Discover all our actions below:


Equality & Sexism and Sexual Assault


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