École Nationale Supérieure de Mécanique et d’Aérotechnique

Poitiers Futuroscope


Ensemble vers l’Excellence


The school has an active disability policy aimed at constantly improving its skills in implementing the arrangements needed to welcome and support students with special educational needs.

Since 2020, this ongoing concern has led to the introduction of the continuity of arrangements: any student suffering from a recognized disability who has previously benefited from specific arrangements will be granted, for his or her first year at the school and on presentation of previous notifications, arrangements identical to those previously granted.

For students who have never benefited from special arrangements, an appointment with a CDAPH-approved doctor will be proposed as soon as they arrive at school, so that they can benefit from the necessary aids as quickly as possible.

In both cases, for established disorders, the student will benefit from the arrangements granted to him/her for the entire duration of his/her studies at ISAE-ENSMA. These arrangements may be reviewed at any time, at the student’s request, in the event of a change in circumstances.

The procedure is detailed in the document « Supporting students with disabilities ».

Key actions

Job Dating

ISAE-ENSMA took part in a Job Dating event on June 9, 2022, to promote the integration of jobseekers with disabilities, an event organized as part of the Poitiers site policy.

Supporting Day for Young DYS

For several years now, ISAE-ENSMA has been hosting the Supporting Day for Young DYS organized by the Dys 86 network.

Other actions
  • ISAE-ENSMA represents the Conférence des Directeurs des Ecoles Françaises d’Ingénieurs (CDEFI) on the Conseil National Consultatif de Personnes Handicapées (CNCPH).
  • Representing the CDEFI, ISAE-ENSMA took part in:
  1. the 30th anniversary of the French Council of Disabled People for European and International Issues (CFHE)
  2. the National Conference on Disability (Élysée, 2020, 2023)
  • ISAE-ENSMA is a member, on behalf of CDEFI:
  1. the Comité National de Suivi de l’Université Inclusive (National Inclusive University Monitoring Committee)
  2. the writing committee for the Aspie-Friendly label
  • ISAE-ENSMA is a member of:
  1. the Disability Working Group of the Conférence des Grandes Ecoles (CGE)
  2. the higher education network of disability advisors


You have a recognized or unrecognized disability or health problem

If you have a recognized or unrecognized disability, or a health problem: sensory (hearing-impaired, visually-impaired, etc.), motor, psychological, cognitive (DYS, etc.), autism spectrum disorders, visceral diseases and disabling illnesses, please contact our disability advisor at referenthandicap@ensma.fr who will help you with all the necessary formalities. He or she will also be able to answer any questions you may have before your arrival.

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