École Nationale Supérieure de Mécanique et d’Aérotechnique

Poitiers Futuroscope


Ensemble vers l’Excellence

Equality & Sexism and Sexual Assault


In December 2013, ISAE-ENSMA signed up to « The Charter Equality between Women and Men in Higher Education Institutions». Institutions that have signed this Charter undertake to implement a common policy on Equality between Women and Men: this commitment concerns students as well as all staff and the governance of the institution.

The key points to be respected and acted upon are as follows:

  • raising awareness of professional equality among all students and staff;
  • vigilance against sexist behavior from students and staff;
  • introduction of gender-disaggregated data for staff surveys and career reviews (studies by socio-professional category, level of responsibility, etc.);
  • implementation of an upstream attractiveness policy to encourage women to enter scientific and technical professions…

ISAE-ENSMA benefits from the support of the “Elles bougent” association, as a partner. Every year, ISAE-ENSMA links up with the association a few female student volunteers to lead interventions in nearby high schools and colleges to encourage young girls to pursue their studies in scientific and engineering fields.

Since 2014, documents such as the social report and the employment  data survey have provided in-depth gender-specific data and analysis. ISAE-ENSMA can provide the CGE (Conférence des Grandes Ecoles)  with the necessary data for the Equality Barometer, a common document for the Grandes Ecoles on gender equality.

In addition, a public presentation summarizing these data is given each year by the school’s coordinator.

The CESA association (Club Ensmatique de Solidarité Antisexiste), created in 2020, works in partnership with the the school’s coordinator to promote equality at ISAE-ENSMA and organize actions such as:

  • collection of sanitary protection,
  • Pink October,
  • presentations in secondary or high schools to encourage girls to take up scientific studies…

On the subject of sexism and sexual assault, since 2022 the school has organized a compulsory conference-debate for all freshmen students. A partnership with a law firm has been established to organize a series of dedicated conferences. A student survey has also been carried out by the CESA association and the school’s coordinator to identify cases of sexist and sexual violence.

In 2023, ISAE-ENSMA signed the “Cpas1option” charter, an initiative launched by the Bureau national des élèves ingénieurs (BNEI), the Conférence des directeurs des écoles françaises d’ingénieurs (CDEFI) and the Conférence des grandes écoles (CGE), with the aim of taking concrete, effective action to prevent addictive behavior, risky behavior and harassment, as well as sexist and sexual violence.

In July 2023, a meeting was organized with the teaching staff to remind them of the new laws concerning SGBV.

In addition, sexual and gender-based violence, as well as the laws governing these aspects of professional life, are also covered in the course “Business Ethics and Sustainability”, one of the compulsory English modules for all students at the school.

On a broader level, each university has set up a helpline to provide support and assistance to all victims of sexual and gender-based violence.


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