École Nationale Supérieure de Mécanique et d’Aérotechnique

Poitiers Futuroscope


Ensemble vers l’Excellence



For several years now, ISAE-ENSMA has undertaken a structured approach to SD&RS, integrating sustainability into all its training and research activities.

The objective brings together 4 major actions.


    • Training students to meet the engineering challenges of 21st century in the service of future mobility and energy. Following the adoption of the “Green Pact” by all the countries of the European Union in July 2021, and with reference to the recommendations of the French High Council for the Climate, ISAE-ENSMA is developing a range of teaching activities in line with the specific guidelines of the National Low Carbon Strategy (SNBC) and the National Plan for Adaptation to Climate Change (PNACC 2). New courses are being introduced as part of the training program. Since 2020, the “Climate Fresk” workshop run by different speakers at the start of the academic year for freshmen students.
    • Contributing to responsible research. ISAE-ENSMA is strongly positioned in the research and innovation needs expressed by the NBC, particularly in the energy sectors linked to ground transport, aeronautics and space (decarbonation of energy, energy efficiency, intelligent management of transport and distribution networks, etc.).
    • Working in partnership with student associations to strengthen sustainable development and social outreach initiatives, in order to meet the major challenges facing society while raising the awareness of new generations of engineers. A student association, BASE, participates in these developments, interacts within the ISAE Group, and initiates strong actions (ISAE-ENSMA’s participation and commitment to the Grenoble 2021 COP2, for example).
    • Limiting our environmental footprint. ISAE-ENSMA is committed to continuous improvement (carbon footprint assessment, energy consumption diagnosis, establishment of a sobriety plan, etc.). ISAE-ENSMA is strongly committed to controlling its fluid consumption (efficient boiler, building insulation, optimized electrical management). These initiatives have been extended to the ISAE group, with an annual self-assessment and the creation of an ISAE group transition commission.

      In 2022, l’Alliance universitaire Aliénor d’Aquitaine was created to coordinate the region’s efforts in this area. ISAE-ENSMA, the University of Poitiers and Poitiers University Hospital (founding members) and 10 other players on the Poitiers site share the common strategy of responding in an interdisciplinary, partnership-based way to three sustainable development goals identified by the United Nations:

      – “Health and well-being” (ODD 3),

      – “Quality Education” (ODD 4),

      – “Sustainable Cities and Communities” (ODD 11).


      Key actions

      Climate Emergency Week

      Every year, engineering students from ISAE-ENSMA and ENSIP Poitiers s’associent pour organiser join forces to organize the Climate Emergency Week.

      The aim is to inform and raise awareness among students and teachers of the societal challenges of climate change. On the program: conferences, workshops, discussion forums…

      Aero certificate

      Every year, around ten ISAE-ENSMA students attend a program at ISAE-SUPAERO called “Environment Certificate” (180 hours of training on the environmental and aeronautical state of the art of future aviation and the engineer in action).

      The certificate is organized into three modules:

      • Environmental and aeronautical assessment (70h)
      • Aviation of the future (70h)
      • Engineer in action (40h)
      Climate Special Week and Climate Fresk workshop

      In 2022, ISAE-ENSMA has set up a specific program for each year of the curriculum for engineering students and apprentices:

      • For 1st year students:

      – 15 hours of lectures on “Energy and the Environment: the challenges”

      – A debate with alumni (integration of environmental issues in the workplace)

      – A Climate Fresk workshop organized by staff, teachers, Phd students and the urgENScliMA association.

      • For 2nd year students:

      – 15 hours of lectures on “Energy and the Environment: the tools”

      – A 2-tonne workshop

      May on Bike

      Active participation in the “Mai à Vélo” challenge, accumulating the greatest distance covered by bike by all staff and users.


      Agir Ensemble pour des campus durables en villes durables (Working together for sustainable campuses in sustainable cities)

      Since 2019, ISAE-ENSMA has obtained the “Agir Ensemble” label for sustainable campuses in sustainable cities to reward its policy aimed at accelerating the ecological and energy transition in its territory: actions carried out with territorial partners (Grand Poitiers, Université de Poitiers, CROUS), mobilization of the school’s staff and students (conferences, new courses, UrgENScliMA week,…), evaluation and management of consumption, inclusion of the Sustainable Development theme in the school’s multi-year contract.


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