Engineers training
Engineering programCourses
Course catalogue
Degree recognized by CTI (the French accreditation body)

An engineering degree in aeronautics, transport, mechanics and energy
Extensive fields of competence
- combining rigorous theoretical training and a thorough technological experience
- centered on the fields of mechanics and energetics
- focused on aeronautics and space, ground transportation and energy industries
A preparation for an engineer's career to
- anticipate fast technological developments
- develop innovation abilities
- take on the new duties and tasks of the engineer
- ensure the best integration into the companies
The development of personal qualities to
- carry out a professional project
- learn autonomy and team work
- communicate
English (ESL) courses are compulsory. A minimum standard (TOEIC) is required to obtain ISAE-ENSMA’s degree.
Students can also study other languages if they wish to.
Double degrees and academic exchanges
Minimum grade average of 12,5 / 20 during the two firts years and minimum TOEIC score of 785.
Double degrees with
- in France: schools from POLYMÉCA (ENSMM, ISAE-SUPMÉCA, ENSTA Bretagne, ENSIL-ENSCI, ENSEIRB-MATMECA et SeaTech), schools from INSA Group, INSTN CEA Saclay and Cadarache (nuclear engineering), IAE Poitiers (master in business management)
- abroad: the partner universities of ISAE-ENSMA all over the world (Europe, Brazil, Canada, China, Vietnam,…).
Third year of study in an other school (academic exchanges)
In France:
ENAC (Toulouse): electronics systems – computer science and air traffic – aeronautical technics
ISAE-SUPAERO (Toulouse): avionics systems – embedded systems – energy systems – information systems and decision systems – space systems
- ENSIAME (Valenciennes): Industrial IT and production engineering – Mechanics-Energetics – Mechatronics
ENSMM (Besançon): mechanics – mechatronics – materials and surfaces – micro-mechanism – optronics and microsystems
ISAE-SUPMECA (Saint-Ouen and Toulon): materials and processes – production systems – mechanical structures and systems – design of mechanical systems – mechatronics – complex systems
ENSIL-ENSCI (Limoges): materials and processes – engineering and processes
ENSTA Bretagne (Brest): embedded systems – hydrography and oceanography – vehicle architecture – naval architecture – energetics/materials – management of organisations
- ENSEIRB-MATMECA (Bordeaux): electronics – computer science – mathematics and mechanics – telecommunications – networks and information systems – embedded electronic systems
- SeaTech : maritime engineering – data, information and systems – mechanical innovation for sustainable systems – materials, durability and environment – modelling and calculations, fluids and structures – mechatronics and robotics systems
- in one of the partner universities of ISAE-ENSMA all over the world (Europe, Brazil, Canada, China, Vietnam,…).
ISAE-ENSMA 3rd year sandwich course
For more information on the benefits,the procdedures, the professionalization contract and the schedule, see here.